Amazon Sells Me Speaker I Think Is Fake, Sends Refund Two Years Later

Or is it?
Update: Many readers have already written in to tell us that this speaker may actually be a passive radiator, which is a “fake speaker” that’s in place intentionally. We’re checking back with Jamison, and aren’t sure whether this means that Amazon is overly generous or kind of incompetent. Please stop e-mailing.
Jamison writes: is GREAT!
TWO YEARS AGO, I bought a speaker system from them. This is the speaker system.
My speakers didn’t seem to work as well as I had hoped, but I used them the same. The bass was pretty great, and when combined with another pair of speakers made an excellent room theater experience.
The other day I decided to check out the speakers and try and fix any issues. This was difficult as the speaker boxes were GLUED together. What sort of moron makes a speaker box that you can’t take apart?
Well, this didn’t dissuade me in the slightest. I cut the glue by using a razor-blade, and I looked inside. Guess what I found?
Only ONE speaker was REAL! The other was a fake. I checked the 2nd speaker box and it was THE SAME!
I went to Amazon and looked at the product description. I wondered if shady people had marketed it as 1 speaker instead of the 2… NO SUCH LUCK! It was a sham!
I took pictures of it before putting my speakers back together. (My dresser was a mess, but here are the pictures)
I was amazed to find this foam piece almost floating in the speaker. There was nothing attached to it.
This is what a speaker should look like. Notice the difference between this and the foam piece.
The tweeter had power coming to it from the 1st midrange.
A clear shot of the wire running behind the fake speaker, but with no hookup to it!
I emailed Amazon and told them what I had discovered. It didn’t matter that it had been 2 years since the date of my purchase. They refunded my purchase in FULL, AND told me to keep the stereo!
God Bless them! With the refund, I bought Amazon Prime that very same day. No lie.
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