February Food And Drug Recall Roundup – Antibiotic Pig Ear Edition

Don’t chew these!
Zachary Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Eggs – possible salmonella contamination
Green Day White Melon Seeds – undeclared sulfites
Grassplot Ginger Slices – undeclared sulfites
Somersaults Cinnamon Crunch – undeclared milk
Woodstock Tamari Almonds – Undeclared soy
Andy Capp’s Hot Fries – undeclared soy
Island Delights Coconut Haystack Candy – undeclared milk
Chia ReCharged Stix Mix – undeclared peanuts
Creamery Select Premium Ice Cream Dulce de Leche – May actually be Pecan Praline ice cream
Food Club Red Enchialda Sauce – may actually contain Green Enchilada sauce, which has wheat and soy in it. Also, ew, green.
Food Club Chocolate Chunk Brownie Mix – undeclared tree nuts
Z Pro High Protein Supplement – undeclared soy and milk
Freedom Trading Super Power supplement – contains trace amounts of generic Viagra
Ultra Blend and eCotrition Pet Bird Foods – possible salmonella contamination
Hy-Vee Complete Dog Food – contains high levels of aflatoxin.
Milo’s Kitchen Chicken Jerky and Chicken Grillers – trace amounts of antibiotics found on treats.
Hartz Chicken Chews and Hartz Oinkies Pig Skin Twists wrapped with Chicken – residue of an antibiotic not approved for use in the U.S.
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