Former Spin Subscribers Will Now Receive Car And Driver, So That’s Nice

We at Consumerist will always pause and let a few subscription cards flutter to the ground out of respect when we hear that yet another print magazine has ceased printing. The final edition of Newsweek is all over the news this week, but another title that’s actually relevant to our generation stops printing and goes online-only at the end of the year: Spin. In the grand tradition of magazines going out of print, though, subscribers will receive a tangentially related title instead: Car and Driver.
Spin isn’t going totally defunct: it’s becoming a Web/iPad/anything-but-dead-tree property. Subscribers received the sad news over the weekend. The letter they received tries to explain how the subscription swap makes sense.
I know a lot of you got deeper into music because of how Spin brought you into that world. Try it, and I guarantee Car and Driver will do the same thing for the automobile. Because you can live without music and cars, but who would want to?
I don’t need a magazine to gain a deeper appreciation of cars. I already have Top Gear.
Spin and Car and Driver: A Comparison [AdWeek]
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Print is Dead
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