Whole Foods Organic Grapes: Now With Free Black Widow Spiders

Sure, organic produce doesn’t provide any extra nutrition, but it does have other benefits, like keeping artificial fertilizers and pesticides out of the soil and helping people feel extra smug. There can be downsides, though. Just ask the Connecticut woman who found a live black widow spider in the bunch of grapes she brought home from Whole Foods.
Unhappy about the free pet, she took to Facebook to warn fellow shoppers, posting:
Attention all Fairfield Whole Foods Customers!!!! I just found a black widow spider in my Sunview Organic Table Grapes bag!!!! If you just bought or will be buying these grapes or any other produce from them, carefully inspect and wash them with rubber gloves!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!! Totally freaked me out!
The customer set the spider free in her backyard. Black widow spiders aren’t native to Connecticut, but usually aren’t aggressive toward humans. Yes, they’re poisonous, but it’s unlikely that they’ll kill you.
Surprise bunch: Spider found in grapes [Connecticut Post]
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