Little Tikes Pizza Play Kitchen Does Not Come With 30-Minute Delivery Guarantee Image courtesy of This looks super fun.

This looks super fun.
So my 3 year old really wanted a Little Tikes pizza kitchen. A huge fake kitchen with pizza oven and grill. It went on sale on around Halloween and on Halloween I made the purchase and had it shipped to my local store. The email I received said I should be able to pick up the item in 7-14 days. It is now 11/28 and it is stil “In progress.” ToysRus will not answer my emails and I have been on hold 2 hours on 3 different occasions with no answer from their phone line. They have already charged my debit card! I am going crazy! How can they do business like this! Their website is god awful! I am trying to find a way to get someone’s attention. Twitter and Facebook haven’t done the trick.
Years ago, though not at Christmas time, we heard exciting tales of readers who found success contacting Toys R Us by e-mailing top executives and pleading for help. That’s a promising route if no one on the phone can help JC.
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