Funny Pictures: Not Always Funny On Second Glance Image courtesy of Hee hee! That's much too expensive.

Hee hee! That’s much too expensive.
Reader Justin sent us this picture of a comically overpriced microSD card on the shelf at Best Buy. Oh, this storage device is overpriced by $310! Best Buy, you’re so silly! Only it’s not as silly as the casual observer might think, because this isn’t really an item for sale.
Justin’s stealthy camera phone picture meant that some key details were blurred out of the photo. Here’s the “official” promotional picture of this item:
This isn’t a plain old blank MicroSD card. It’s a promotional item that came for free when purchasing a Barnes & Noble Nook, with e-books retailing for $315 pre-loaded on it. When the deal’s on, customers are supposed to pick up this card in-store or it will be automatically added to their online shopping cart, with the price marked down to $0. When it isn’t… you could probably buy the card if you really wanted to, but that would be kind of a bad idea.
The card is apparently still on store shelves, and you can purchase it online from Best Buy.
Why is it $315.99? Well, when something starts at $316 and is marked down to $0, doesn’t it feel like you’re getting more of a bonus than if the item was only ever free to begin wtih?
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