Did Sears AC Installers Break Window, Or Ignore Cracked Pane?

Rona, ladylike, didn’t tell us her age, but she is a senior citizen. As for many Americans, Sears has always just been where she went when there was an appliance to buy. She and her husband ordered up two air conditioners from Sears.com last month, and Sears contracted some local installers in New Jersey to put them in the windows. After the second installation appointment, she discovered that the window was cracked. One of two things had happened: either the installers noticed that the window was cracked and put an air conditioner in anyway, or they’re the ones who did it, then hoped that no one would notice.
A few weeks ago I purchased 2 air conditoners on line from sears. I made 2 appointments for installation. The first one went quite well. The same crew and company operating under the name of [redacted] came and installed. After they left I went to clean the window and saw the window was cracked. I immediately called and was told they would investigate. They insisted that [the installers] come out and take a look and the owner [redacted] told us the window was previously broken and his company will contact Sears with his opinion.
My husband and I feel that they are responsible. If the installer saw the crack he would have shown it to us prior to installing. The other scenario would be they did it and did not tell us.
I have been getting the run around since. I now have a received a call and was told no one is responsible. I called the company that installed my windows 6 years ago and he
came out and told us they have definitely broken the window. He quoted us 250.00 to repair with taking the unit out and putting it back in the window.I am a senior with a heart condition and this is really getting to me. I am hoping you can help. Sears has always been my store but I do no think I will shop there again. I am telling the truth and I expect them to take care of this.
That’s the problem, though: even if Rona is telling the truth, Sears doesn’t know that for sure. But they did, at minimum, ignore the crack that was already there and stick an air conditioner in anyway.
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