Maryland Legislation Tells Employers To Stay Out Of Your Social Networking Business

Maryland lawmakers are moving forward on new legislation aimed at keeping potential or current employers from asking for access to your social networking accounts. Because really, no one wants their boss snooping around in their lists of friends and peeking at their personal information — even Facebook has a problem with that idea.
WJZ News in Baltimore says legislators were moved to action over the social media privacy debate. News that employers had the audacity to ask employees or those they were interviewing for jobs for access to their private accounts started circulating recently, infuriating many.
Lawmakers were among outraged over the idea, leading Maryland to officially pass a law this week banning employers from asking for social media passwords.
Not everyone is happy about the law, however — including the Maryland Chamber of Commerce. They say employers have a legitimate reason for asking for access, saying: “Interest in protecting itself from various legal claims as well as an interest in scrutinizing potential misrepresentations and inappropriate comments/behavior of its agents.”
The governor now has to sign the bill into law. If it becomes official, it’ll serve as an example for other states like California and Illinois, which are looking into similar legislation.
Md. Bill Bans Employers From Asking For Facebook & Twitter Passwords [WJZ Baltimore]
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