Office Depot Manager Accused Of Swiping Millions In Toner And Ink

The loss prevention staff at Office Depot should be checking employees’ pockets. Authorities in Washington state have charged a manager, along with a former employee, at the retail chain of swiping oodles of office supplies that they are accused of then re-selling on eBay.
According to, more than $2.1 million ink and toner supplies have vanished from the Kent, WA, Office Depot since 2007. But it wasn’t until recently that the store wised up and installed cameras to catch the culprit magenta-handed.
The manager was reportedly spotted on camera carrying ink cartridges out to a man, a former employee at the store, waiting in the parking lot.
The former O.D. staffer was arrested with $6,750 of stolen store goods in his vehicle. He told police that the pair had earned at least $500K by reselling the pilfered products on eBay.
But the police say it was a lot more than $500K, as that man’s PayPal account had received more than $1 million since things started vanishing from Office Depot. One customer alone purchased $600K in ink and toner over the course of three years.
In addition to ink and toner, the men are believed to have sold stolen laptops, cameras and other electronics.
Office Depot manager got rich selling stolen ink cartridges, police say []
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