FioS Install Rips Up Your Azaleas, Cuts All Your Lines, And Disappears

Well at least they didn’t start a fire. That seems to be the only thing Verizon FiOS didn’t mess up with they did an install for reader janvir. They destroyed our reader’s new flowerbeds, mucked up the mulch, and cut several lines going into their house. Phone, alarm, TV, and internet were all cut. Despite promises to fix it, FiOS was a no-show. Oddly enough, Comcast actually had better customer service than FiOS, coming out and promptly fixing the lines FioS had cut. Here’s Janvir’s complaint letter:
Dear Verizon Management:
I decided to get Fios because I was promised that my service would improve with Fiber Optic wiring. I ordered it for installation on May 31st which was a day I would be able to stay home.
Your Fios techs came on Thursday May 26th and sloppily dug up my lawn and ruined some of my flower beds and destroyed the mulch on the side of my house. They also shut off my phone service and computer service and alarm service. NO PHONE, NO INTERNET, NO ALARM!
Your technicians also cut through the Comcast Wire so now I had NO TELEVISION. I called Verizon who told me that FIOS would have to fix the problem and then Fios told me that Verizon would have to come back to fix the land line phone until Fios would be able to come out on Tuesday to install it. This meant that I would not have services from Thursday thru Tuesday. I called a supervisor who assured me that another rep would take care of my problem.
I wasted hours on my cell phone, using up my minutes trying to track down a person
who would take responsibility for correcting the mistake your company did to me.
The other rep promised me that they would get Fios out to install everything back to working condition on Saturday May 28th between 9-12. They never called and they never came. I called Fios again and they said they were still coming. I waited the entire Saturday. NO SHOW.Comcast came out the Friday after your Fios guys cut the comcast wiring to my TV. They fixed it within 12 hours.
How can I trust your company? No one is accountable. You may have good wiring but your customer service stinks…
…Someone from Landscaping was supposed to call me to make an appointment to check over the mess your company left after digging up my lawn. I had just had my lawn landscaped and flowers and mulch placed. Now the flowers and mulch are missing on the side of the house and my lawn is uneven and sloppy where your lines were placed. Again no one returned my call and discussed my complaint.
As soon as I can I will be trading in my Verizon Cell Phone for another brand. Why would I want to continue to support your company?
One very unhappy and disappointed customer!
Unfortunately our reader sent the complaint letter as a reply to the installation appointment email from FiOS, which, as it says at the bottom, is “a notification only email address that cannot accept incoming email messages.” Our readers have had better luck emailing the CEO of Verizon at
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