Buy This House, Perfect For 8-Year-Old Booby Trap Experts

If you really, really love the movie Home Alone, the ultimate collector’s item may have you begging your bank to offer you a loan for $2.4 million minus whatever down payment you can scrounge up.
Coldwell Banker offers up the Winnetka, Ill. mansion used in the film. For some reason, the ad copy fails to mention that the staircase is perfect for sending Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern tumbling haplessly toward their momentary doom. It’s understandable, though, that it neglects to warn you about its spooky basement, or that the house is so big that it’s all too easy to leave a kid behind when you spirit the extended family off on a Christmas vacation to Europe.
If you could own any movie house, which would it be?
Home Alone House [Coldwell Banker]
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