Personal Finance Roundup

Best Personal Finance Apps [Ask Men] “Apps can help us lose weight, stay on a fitness regime and, amazingly enough, get our finances in order.”
7 Biggest Money Mistakes College Grads Make [US News] “Whether it’s taking on too much debt or not enough, this year’s graduates are navigating a financial minefield.”
401k mistakes job-hoppers make [MSN Money] “If you’re not careful when you switch employers, you could run the risk of damaging your nest egg.”
Net Worth, Self-Worth and How We Look at Money [NY Times] “How you feel about money can have a significant impact on how you save, spend and plan for your financial future — not to mention on your overall mental and emotional well-being.”
Six Tips to Getting the Best Deal on Your Rent [Wall Street Journal] “Six tips for getting the best deals.”
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