Sony, Accused Hacker Call Truce In Settlement

Sony’s Itchy and Scratchy-esque tangle with an alleged hacker and his supporters has finally reached its apparent end. The parties agreed to an out-of-court settlement with an injunction that bans the man who took credit for jailbreaking the PlayStation 3 from distributing the offending code.
On the PlayStation Blog, a Sony lawyer does a little subtle gloating:
“Sony is glad to put this litigation behind us. Our motivation for bringing this litigation was to protect our intellectual property and our consumers. We believe this settlement and the permanent injunction achieve this goal.”
Sony also quotes the accused hacker and notes he wasn’t involved in the retaliatory attacks on Sony’s servers:
“It was never my intention to cause any users trouble or to make piracy easier. I’m happy to have the litigation behind me.”
Settlement in George Hotz Case [PlayStation Blog]
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