Tries To Make My Wife Smell Like A Dude

If Stephen wanted Burberry London for Men, he would have ordered some for himself. But he was after a gift for his wife, and thus ordered Burberry London for Women at what seemed to be an excellent price. He says didn’t care and sent him the cheaper men’s variety anyway, then wouldn’t replace the product and only offered a refund.
He writes:
I recently placed a perfume order for a bottle of 3.3oz Burberry London for WOMEN from The total cost was $27.14 including tax, an excellent deal Of course, the Burberry was intended to be a Christmas Gift for my wife so timeliness was of importance. Unfortunately, when the product arrived via courier on Dec. 10 it contained a bottle of 1.7oz Burberry London for MEN.
I attempted to swap for the correct product at a local Walmart store, but they could only offer a refund because of the price difference. So, I called and was on hold for over 45 minutes before a young man named Andy at the South Flordia call center answered. He had no clue what he was doing and our called ended up lasting for 1 hr. 35 min. He consistently refused to let me speak with a manager, what is up with that ?!?!
I found a comparable Burberry for WOMEN product in 1.7oz. since the Burberry London was now out of stock and asked to send me two bottles of this perfume for a total of 3.4oz. They would not do so since it was $45 per bottle. All I was offered in the end was a refund and $10 credit. I plan to give the Bentonville Headquarters a call on Monday because there is no way I will ever shop again. Now, I just need to convince my wife that Walmart is the anti-Christ.
P.S. There are hundreds of other people experiencing this problem as the deal was originally listed on and other bargain hunting websites. I’m guessing that Walmart did not want to send out the 3.3oz bottles so they sent out the cheapest Burberry Product which is the fragrance for MEN.
If you’ve suffered a similar Burberry gender mix up, let us know.
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