NYU Professor Installs Eye In The Back Of His Head

In a story that makes you do a triple-take to make sure you’re not reading a parody site, a New York college professor had a camera installed into the back of his head.
CNN reports the bizarre augmentation is motivated not by extreme paranoia about spitballs or mid-lecture texting, but the need to make an artistic statement about the prevalence of electronic surveillance. He underwent the operation at a piercing parlor, and his project was commissioned by a museum in Qatar. The camera will take pictures once a minute for a year during his daily activities, and the pictures will become part of an exhibit
He tells CNN:
“This will expose the unspoken conditions we face. A project like this is meant to establish a dialogue about surveillance.”
What computer enhancement would you undergo in the name of art and social progress?
New York professor installs camera in head [CNN]
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