Woman Says Target Shortchanges Customers On Coupons

Minneapolis CBS affiliate WCCO interviews a woman who accuses Target of systematically screwing customers out of hard-clipped savings by reducing the value of their coupons.
The woman, an avid couponer, said Target routinely slashes her expected savings. She looks out for the errors and takes the receipts to customer service, where workers cheerfully hand her the correct change. A WCCO camera crew followed the woman on a shopping trip on which Target gave her a discount of only $1.99 on a $4 coupon.
A Target spokeswoman acknowledged the glitch to WCCO, explaining “We are working on a fix. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused our guests. They can certainly return to a store with receipts if they didn’t receive the complete coupon amount.”
Have you noticed the problem at your Target?
Target Accused Of Not Giving Full Value On Coupons [WCCO]
(Thanks, RandomHookup!)
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