Budget-Boosting iPhone Apps

Money Highway paved a road to savings by rounding up 75 money-saving iPhone apps.
Here are the first 25 the site lists:
1. 100+ Money Saving Tips. An iPhone app providing money-saving tips to help you out.
2. AirFare. An iPhone app for finding cheap flights.
3. AroundMe. Reduce the cost of getting from one place to another by using this app to see what is closest to you.
4. ATM Hunter. Find your own bank using this app so that you can avoid ATM fees at competitor banks.
5. AudioBooks. Save money on reading by checking out these free audio books.
6. Bang/Buck. An iPhone app that helps you find free and cheap beer deals in your area!
7. Better Deal. Compare 2-4 packages to see which offers the best deal.
8. Bloomberg app. A free iPhone app to help track stocks.
9. CashFinder. The UK version of the aforementioned ATM Hunter.
10. Cellfire. An iPhone app that offers mobile coupons for grocery store savings.
11. Cheap Gas. This app helps you find the cheapest gas near you.
12. Compare Me. An iPhone app that lets you compare two different products to see which one offers the better value.
13. Consumer Reports. The app version of this helpful money-saving buying guide.
14. Coupon Cabin. An iPhone app that aggregates coupons from many different sites.
15. Coupon Sherpa. This app is another great one for people who want coupons on their phone.
16. Currency. Save money when traveling using this iPhone app.
17. Debt Rescue 911. This is a Blackberry app that provides tips for debt reduction.
18. Drink Specials. An iPhone app that locates drink deals near you.
19. Economy Shopping Lite. A shopping app for iPhone that helps you track your shopping and savings.
20. eReader. This is another way to get free reading material on your phone.
21. Fring. Use this mobile VoIP app to save money on international calls from your cell phone.
22. Gift Planner. An iPhone app that makes it easy to organize your gift buying and save money while doing it.
23. Green Charging. A green iPhone app that reduces what you spend on energy bills for charging your phone.
24. Grocery Gadget. This app organizes your grocery shopping and helps you save money on it.
25. Happy Hour App. Another iPhone app for finding happy hour deals in your area.
Click on the source link for the other 50.
Smart phone users, what apps have saved you the most money?
75 Phone Apps + 10 Tips that Will Save You Money [Financial Highway]
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