Woman Sues Qantas Airline After Screaming Child Makes Her Deaf

A 67-year-old American woman traveling in Australia last year has sued Qantas, because she says a screaming baby on board one of their flights made her deaf. Now before shake your head, what she describes in her suit is pretty horrific: “The boy allegedly leaned back over his armrest toward [her] and let out a scream so severe that blood erupted from her ears, leaving her ‘stone cold deaf’.” On the other hand, Qantas maintains that it has no way of predicting when a child might scream, since children naturally do that sort of thing.
For some reason Qantas released an email the woman wrote to a travel agent after her return, I guess to imply that she hates children. Well, yeah, children who scream until your ears bleed. From her email:
I guess we are simply fortunate that my eardrum was exploding and I was swallowing blood. Had it not been for that, I would have dragged that kid out of his mother’s arms and stomped him to death. Then we would have an ‘international incident’.
The airline and the woman have reached a confidential settlement and won’t discuss the lawsuit now.
“Screaming child lands Qantas in court after sending woman deaf” [News.com.au] (Thanks to Dean!)
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