Service Cuts Mean $800,000 In New Signs For New York Subways

The New York subway is facing a budget crisis that is taking a toll on services. Deep cuts that will eliminate two trains and several bus routes have resulted in a pressing need for new signage. What will all these new signs cost? $800,000.
From the NYT:
To avoid chaos, New York City Transit must replace some 3,000 signs and 25,000 maps, all to be switched out within the span of about two weeks before the service changes take effect.
That task requires the biggest overhaul since service over the Manhattan Bridge was restored more than six years ago, juggling the Midtown subway routes.
John Montemarano, director of the station signage division for 15 years, said: “We make sure our customers can wake up on June 28 and figure out how the hell to get around.”
Each sign costs between $25 and $300 and all together the bill will be around $800,000. That’s not all extra expense, however, because some signs were due to be reprinted anyway.
Wave Goodbye to W and V in Subway Signs; Make Room for More M [NYT] (Thanks, Matt!)
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