As Miami Homes Enter Foreclosure, Cats Move In

In Miami-Dade County, hit particularly hard by the housing boom, about one in ten dwellngs are in foreclosure. Don’t worry, though. They’re not empty. Homeless families have moved in. To be precise, colonies of feral cats. Because nothing makes a bank-owned property more appealing than the stench of cat urine.
Colonies of feral cats roam in and around the shuttered buildings in North Miami Beach. When the sun goes down, they come out — and so does professional cat catcher Rob Hammer.
“All you need is a little tuna to lure them into the cage and then gotcha! Nothing hurt except their feelings,” said Hammer as he demonstrated how his pain-free cat trap worked.
While Hammer has been catching cats for 22 years, he said he’s never seen anything like this.
“Along the boardwalk here, say 300 yards, there are literally 200 cats. They live under buildings, abandoned buildings,” he said.
Three hundred thousand cats currently roam Miami Beach.
300K Cats Move Into Foreclosed Homes [WPLG] (Thanks, Harper!)
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