GameStop Employee: Bosses Didn't Care We Were Selling Games Stolen From Best Buy

A former GameStop employee and Consumerist reader wrote in to share her story of why she decided to quit her gig as a “Game Advisor” after learning that her store was knowingly reselling video games heisted from the local Best Buy store.
According to the tipster, everyone at her GameStop knew “an employee at a nearby Best Buy was stealing product and selling it in huge quantities to our store for dimes on the dollar.” She says the games were then sold at a huge profit to GameStop shoppers.
It was all a little too much for an employee with a good conscience to put up with:
I quit when I was told that I had to keep letting the guy sell us stolen stuff, despite that being in violation of corporate policy and the law.
Before I left, I used the assistant manager’s login to send an email to everyone at corporate whose email I could find in the computer — our district manager, our regional manager, the loss prevention manager — and ask them how they thought they could prevent theft by employees or customers when we encouraged both to tacitly approve theft from our competition.
As far as I know, the only response was that I didn’t need to worry about giving them a final two weeks and to remind the manager to search me before I vacated the premises for the day. He didn’t.
What do you think — should she have escalated her complaint even further, perhaps even gone to the police? Or is it Best Buy’s job to keep their own employees from walking out the door with stolen product?
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