Print Edition Of TV Guide Tells Me To Go Online To Read Most Of Cover Story

Scott bought a copy of TV Guide — yes, apparently that still exists — because he was intrigued by the TV’s Top 50 Families story. He was dismayed to page through the magazine and discover the list stopped at 20. The article prompted him to go online to discover the remaining 30 families on the list.
Scott writes:
My wife came home from the store tonight with this week’s TV Guide magazine. We don’t normally buy it since we have TV listings through our cable provider, but she was attracted by the cover article, TV’s Top 50 Families of All Time!, which sounded like a fun read. However, when she began thumbing through the issue, she could only find listings up to family #20. After riffling through the magazine twice, and then going page by page, she discovered that numbers 21-50 were not in the magazine, but could only be seen online at!
To add insult to injury, the website (which doesn’t require any kind of subscription to access) actually lists all 50, therefore making the purchase of the magazine completely superfluous, if not a total rip-off. Needless to say, we’re taking the magazine back to the store. Four bucks is still four bucks, but I’d return it even if it was fifty cents just on principle alone.
OK, commenters, list the last year you paged through a TV Guide. And begin.
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