Man Files $530K Lawsuit Against Neighbor For Using WiFi, iPhone, Dimmer Switches

Beware your home electronics — your phones, wireless routers, even your dimmer switches — because they might be making your neighbor ill. Or at least that’s what one man in New Mexico is saying in a lawsuit against a technology-loving former friend.
According to the plaintiff, he’d bought his current house in Santa Fe, NM, because it was the least likely one to trigger his “electromagnetic sensitivities.” But then when a friend of his purchased the home that backed up to his property, he claims her constant use of electronics was causing him nausea, vertigo, aches, dizziness, arrhythmia and insomnia.
The plaintiff says he asked the defendant to curb her use of the devices he believed were triggering his sensitivity, but “basically, she refused.”
So he’s suing for $530,000.
For her part, the defendant says she attempted to comply with her friend’s requests, but felt harassed.
“I decided to bring it all to an end, stop trying to accommodate a neighbor and attempted to start concentrating on my own life again,” she said. “Being the target of this lawsuit has affected me very adversely… I feel as if my life and liberty are under attack for no valid reason, and it has forced me to have to defend my very basic human rights.”
Wi-Fi anxiety: Man sues neighbor to shut off electronics [Chicago Tribune]
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