Target Says Info From Demotions Post Tipster Is 'Completely Inaccurate'

A Target spokeswoman responded to Michael, the employee who claimed last week that the company is reducing 8,000 full-time employees to part-time. She writes:
Hi, my name is Kari Thompson. I am a spokesperson for Target, and have been trying to reach someone to correct an inaccurate story on your
site entitled, “Target Employee Says 8K Full Timers Will be
Part-Time.” This story is completely inaccurate, and I would love to
speak to someone to provide accurate information. In the meantime,
here are the facts:Each year we review our store operations and structure, which allows
us to continually improve our guest service and productivity. We made
minimal changes to our structure this year – they affect less than 5
percent of our hourly store team member base. Overall, the changes
affected team members will experience include shifts in title or
responsibility (for example – a sales specialist – shoes, could be
retitled merchandising brand manager), and none of these team members
will see a change in their current pay, the number of hours they work
or their eligibility for benefits.
Target employees, whose spin would you say is more accurate — that of Michael or Kari?
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