Comcast Spells My Name Wrong, Can't Help Me Fix It Over The Phone

On her blog, Jamie describes in painful and hilarious detail that if Comcast gets your name wrong when it sets up a user account for you, you’re better off just accepting it rather than pushing for them to correct the error.
Things went sour when the Comcast CSR demanded Jamie go into an online chat to set up a secondary user account, then remove her original, misspelled username.
Joking that she felt she was hit on, Jamie writes:
“I have to do WHAT?!”
“You need to go into a chat room.” I mean, bro, I know I’m hot and people have told me I do have a bit of a good phone sex voice, but I’m not about to CYBER IT UP WITH YOU RIGHT NOW. Or, wait, EVER.
“Um, ok? Why isn’t there an easy way right here to make this the primary username?”
“I’m not sure, ma’am, but you’ll need to open up a new browser window and login to a chat room now.”
Jamie hung up instead. Comcast victims, er, customers, has a CSR ever tried this gambit on you?
I Don’t Know, But I’m Starting to Think Comcast DOESN’T Care [A Life in Translation]
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