AOL Has No Reason To Cancel Your Free Account

Jim wants his AOL e-mail account to go away. It’s a free account, so billing isn’t an issue–he just wants it closed. This seems like a relatively straightforward request to anyone except AOL. He writes that the company somehow makes it impossible to cancel a free account.
UPDATE: Here is how to cancel your free AOL account.
Please help me and others like me cancel our very unwanted AOL email accounts. Try as I might to get a hold of someone at AOL I can’t. AOL customer service only deals with paying customers, not customers of their free email service. AOL provides no way to close an email account and this is frustrating. What options do I have? They’re making abusing the email account to violate their ToS and get my account deleted that way very attractive.
The problem from AOL’s point of view: why provide staff members to help people cancel a service that they weren’t paying for in the first place?
Have you managed to kill a free AOL account? Can you help Jim?
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