TWC Accidentally Cancels Service, Leaves You Bored And Lonely During Holidays

Marisa is alone during the holidays, but it would have been nice to have TV, phone and internet to keep her company. Unfortunately, she says TWC randomly canceled her service for no reason.
Marisa writes:
Time Warner Cable cancelled my service today due to an error on their end.
Here’s the basic rundown:
1:30pm – Service Failure of Phone / Cable / Internet
3:00pm – Upon calling Time Warner, rep says must be an outage.
6:00pm – Still unclear why no service. Technician can come out on 18th of December ( 11 days from now )
8:28pm – Service has been cancelled and wires have “already been disconnected from the pole.”
I am told to “call back tomorrow” once the cancellation completes and instructed to re-order service again.I’m heartbroken. Oddly enough, I was never prompted with a survey like I was promised. The rep would notgive me her last name though I asked 3 times. It’s worth mentioning that the rep thanked me more than once for being so kind and understanding ( as I was ). It was my intention to give her some credit for “trying” though in the end, it seems as if I was hung up on.
All in all, I’m left with no phone / internet / cable service, I lose my home phone number and am left with no viable solution until sometime after the holiday. It sucks being alone during the holidays.. perhaps I can pretend that I’m not and it’s just my lack of phone service that kept the wishes from pouring in. I’ll do my best not to choke or do anything else that may require the need to dial 911.
Do consumers like myself have any recourse from events like this?? I’m not looking for any financial gain ( except for a credit of this months service of course) however I feel like this company should be publicly shamed for such horrific service. How is it that as a new customer I would have to wait weeks for a connection but wires can disconnect from a pole within a matter of minutes when the order for cancellation was never even given by me in the first place?
And if it’s worth mentioning.. I have never been late paying my 115.34 monthly bill…. ever.
We think that if your cable is accidentally disconnected you should really jump to the front of the line. Maybe TWC’s executive customer service crew can think of some way to make it up to you.
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