Fry's Says It Will Give HDTVs To Stiffed Black Friday Customers

Jeff, who tried to buy a Samsung HDTV from Fry’s on Black Friday but was turned away after already paying for it, has written back to us with an update:
Just wanted to give you guys an update on the Fry’s Samsung 52″ TV debacle. After all of the comments and tips I received, I was able to get a hold of consumer relations, who then got me in contact with the store manager. He apologized for the trouble that I had to go through, and let me know they were ordering another batch of tvs for all of the people who purchased, but did not receive a TV, as they realized they made a big mistake. Thanks for helping me get in contact with the right people who could help me on this matter! I appreciate it a lot!
“Fry’s Sells Magical Disappearing HDTVs To Customers”
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