EECB Ends Yearlong Dell Notebook Debacle
Greg struggled for more than a year to get Dell to solve myriad issues with his notebook, but moved things along real quick-like once he ignited an Executive Email Carpet Bomb. He wrote us the following, summarized from two separate messages:
My name is Greg [redacted], and I have been a long time reader of the Consumerist. I am contacting you today because I have had continuing issues with my Dell Latitude E6400, a notebook that ultimately did not live up to its name as a Dell business laptop. Anyway, I’ve been working to try and solve various issues related to the notebook for almost a year and thought that you might be interested in knowing that it took at EECB to finally fix it. A new system is on the way, and it will probably arrive within the next week. …
Just make sure your readers know to use to contact Dell. The email address reaches an executive relations team.
It’s just a tad disappointing to know the address isn’t the key to Michael Dell’s personal inbox — I always pictured him chuckling over all those forwards I sent him — but at least Dell has provided customers an all-in-one EECB smartbomb target.
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