Microsoft Retail Stores Prepare For Sensory Overload, Global Domination
This is old news to some of our readers, but not all: Microsoft is planning to open their own retail stores. What would such a wondrous place look like? Gizmodo has a concept Powerpoint presentation (what else?) that shows what the stores could look like.
Customized PCs! A giant “Digital Media Wall!” Media Center demos! An “answer bar.” …wait, that last one sounds kind of familiar.
It looks full of fun toys and shiny objects, like an Apple Store but… better. What’s not to like? I mean, other than Windows. I don’t like Windows very much.
This design will inevitably change by the time any actual stores open, but it’s interesting to see what Microsoft intends to do with a retail space.
Leak: Inside the Microsoft Store With Wall-Sized Screens and the Answers Bar [Gizmodo]
(Photo: frankieleon)
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