Liveblogging The Senate Commerce Committee Hearing On Cigarettes, The FTC, And Deceptive Advertising
Starting today at 2:30 p.m., the Senate Commerce Committee will ask the FTC why it can’t accurately measure the level of tar or nicotine in cigarettes. The Commission has admitted: “[our] ratings tend to be relatively poor predictors of tar and nicotine exposure.” The Committee is concerned that “light” and “ultra light” cigarettes are really just dolled-up deathsticks slapped a pretty name, and that the FTC doesn’t have sufficient legal firepower to stamp out deceptive marketing practices.
Today’s smoker will feature two panels. The government agencies responsible for keeping us informed, if not safe – the FTC, the National Cancer Institute, and the CDC – will testify first, followed by scientists from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Penn State University.
Take out a cigarette and meet us in the foyer at 2:30 for the latest from Washington.
(Photo: zakgollop)
02:25: Video Link – In the olden days, hearing rooms came filled with smoke.
02:35: And we’re called to order. Mostly empty room, which is surprising for a tobacco hearing.
02:36: The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has determined that light cigarettes can often be more deadly than regular cigarettes.
02:37: This Senator, whoever he is, was convinced to stop smoking when his 10-year-old daughter came home from school and told him that smokers get black boxes in their throats, and asked when he would be getting one. Aww, cute.
02:37: This is new, the Committee has a short video.
02:38: It apparently demonstrates “the FTC method and the smoking robot.”
02:38: “Smokers don’t smoke like a robot.”
02:38: This thing is high-tech and blurry. It looks like menacing rectangle with wires.
02:39: The FTC admits that they don’t know what they’re doing with tar and nicotine ratings. Why should big tobacco hide behind flawed ratings to claim that their products are healthier?
02:41: Who is this guy Chairing? Ah, it’s Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ). He wrote the law banning smoking on airplanes. Next time you fly and see the ‘tampering with smoke detectors carries a $2,000 fine,’ you can know to thank Frank.
02:42: Stevens is here! There’s something about his voice, we can’t help but smile.
02:42: He’s reading from a statement, unwilling to wing it.
02:43: Oh no! He has another meeting at 3:30, but he’s looking forward to finding out why the FTC test remains the same if cigarette technology has changed.
02:43: Big tobacco was invited to testify, but for some reason, they refused to attend. Something about their 1994 experience may still be fresh in their minds.
02:45: FTC Commissioner William E. Kovacic is testifying. His agency has taken bold steps to curb the proliferation of cigarettes.
02:45: Their original test was designed to provide a uniform standard for judging the tar and nicotine content for cigarettes.
02:46: Smokers of light cigarettes often inhale deeper to get more of that yummy, luscious nicotine.
02:46: The FTC has wanted to change the test, but scientists asked them to wait until there was more science.
02:48: Still, all science says light cigarettes aren’t healthier at all.
02:49: They will change the test as soon as the science is complete. At that point, a newer, better smoking robot will be released.
02:49: The FTC wanted to hand over cigarette testing to “one of the science-based agencies.” They again recommend that a science agency take over the smoking robot. It looks cool, we’ll take it.
02:50: Cathy Backinger of the National Cancer Institute is also concerned that light, low tar, and ultra light, present “the illusion of risk reduction.”
02:51: Big tobacco apparently likes deceptive practices (filters, health claims) to keep people from quitting. That’s news to us.
02:52: She makes light cigarette smokers sound like scuba divers. Deep breathes, held breathes, all to contain life-sustaining nourishment.
02:53: “Light cigarettes are not an alternative to quitting.” Thank you for that.
02:54: Internal big tobacco documents show that cigarette makers know they’re deceiving people, but like profits more than the truth.
02:56: David L. Ashley of the CDC has a lab that tests cigarettes, people’s response to cigarettes, and it sounds like they too have a smoking robot.
02:57: We think there’s great holiday gift potential for the smoking robot.
02:57: The CDC’s smoking robot tests up to 20 cigarettes at a time.
02:58: This guy is Mr. Science on speed. He has tests, results… lots of science.
02:59: Smoking robot doesn’t try to suck down nicotine, unlike smokers. Smoking robot can’t be trusted.
02:59: Super smoking robots exist, with bigger “breaths.” These robots can inhale 50ml or 45ml puffs, which better approximates the average smoker’s experience.
03:00: In sum, he wants more smoking robots for greater testing variation, not just the FTC’s robot. We approve.
03:01: Senator Lautenberg is impressed both at the panelist’s detail, and their ability to stick to the 5-minute limit.
03:02: Before we go further, we would like to request that the Committee order the FTC’s robots to fight the CDC’s robots in a cigarette testing battle to the death. All in favor?
03:03: The FTC really doesn’t want responsibility for testing cigarettes. Moreover, they aren’t sure if anyone benefits from their tests at all.
03:04: The military taught Lautenberg how to smoke. Cigarettes were used to calm the nerves.
03:05: We’re starting to go in circles here. Nobody likes the FTC tests, big tobacco knows that the tests are useless.
3:09: The design of the cigarette affects the FTC’s test, but the CDC isn’t going to ascribe motive to big tobacco.
3:10: The FTC can alter its robots to get better test results.
3:10: They can also work with colleagues to draw attention to how the robots aren’t accurate?
3:10: The robots are not government property. They are owned by a trade association.
3:11: The FTC used to test, but they abandoned their robots in the mid-80s, when they realized that robots were expensive and not accurate.
3:11: NCI doesn’t have robots.
3:11: The CDC owns its robots.
3:11: Stevens: “Where did you get them?”
3:11: The CDC bought them from manufacturers who sell to big tobacco.
3:12: Stevens doesn’t want excuses. He wants to know if any agency has asked for money to buy robots, or build better robots.
3:12: These robots are from the 60s? Damn, that’s Jetsons old!
3:13: Increasing cigarette taxes reduces cigarette use. That’s applicable to the SCHIP debate going on.
3:14: Stevens wants to know if anyone prosecutes cigarette bootleggers.
3:14: Bootlegging is up to the states or customs, but the fedgov doesn’t care all that much. At least not the FTC and CDC.
3:15: Stevens: “Cigarette makers do a lot of advertising. I’ve seen some as a matter of fact.”
3:15: Youth smoking has increased since the landmark tobacco settlement.
3:16: Stevens wants to know if anybody has ever studied pipe smoking. Nobody has done a study.
3:17: The NCI did study cigar use, but emphasizes that all tobacco, regardless of form, causes cancer.
3:18: Lautenberg: “Do you believe tobacco advertising increase is the reason we’re seeing an increase in smoking?”
3:19: The FTC thinks it’s a function of less money going towards tobacco control.
3:19: Lautenberg thinks “the most efficient testing machines are humans.”
3:19: Apparently, this smoking thing causes cancer and heart disease and slew of other fun ailments.
3:21: @parad0x360, @Hambriq: Studies show that most people think light and ultra light cigarettes are healthier than regular cigarettes.
3:24: Jonathan M. Samet, Epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins, is arguing that the US’ actions have global consequences.
3:25: Epidemiology studies show that light cigarettes are just as dangerous as regular cigarettes.
3:28: Cigarette content warnings often have no relation to what people end up inhaling or processing.
3:28: The FTC tests are misleading to smokers, as are warning labels.
3:29: Onto Jack Henningfield, who has a ridiculous mass of silver hair.
3:30: He’s a Vice President for Research and Health Policy at Pinney Associates, and an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins.
3:30: The marketing and warning labels undermine all efforts to keep kids away from cigarettes.
3:31: Americans are too quick to trust product content labels.
3:31: This guy’s own sister doesn’t believe that the FTC would allow cigarette companies to publish false information.
3:32: Hey commenters, consumers flocked to cigarettes with lower tar and nicotine levels when they were introduced. The lower ratings came care of the FTC’s flawed tests.
3:33: The FTC underestimated big tobacco’s willingness to design cigarettes that could circumvent the FTC’s tests.
3:34: Major design changes include ventilation holes that smokers can cover, but machines ignore.
3:35: @Beerad: That’s the problem. Most people conflate less nicotine and less tar with health. But the tests aren’t accurate, and the cigarettes aren’t healthier.
3:36: 60% of cigarettes are sold in convenience stores. How convenient. Teenagers spend twice as much time hanging out in convenience stores as adults. Really? That’s it? Twice as much?
3:37: “Teenagers talk about what they see. It’s called viral marketing.” This is Marvin Goldberg, professor of marketing at Penn State talking.
3:38: 4 out of 5 smokers say they smoke light cigarettes for health benefits. Studies show that people can’t be convinced that light cigarettes are the same as regular cigarettes.
3:39: He’s making our point. It’s syllogistic reasoning: light cigarettes have less tar. Less tar is healthier. Ergo, light cigarettes are healthier.
3:41: Stephen Sheller, of Sheller P.C. claims that the tobacco industry simply can’t be trusted.
3:44: They know what’s going on, but they don’t want to do anything to keep people healthier.
3:44: He just compared big tobacco to Katrina.
3:44: If they admit something is wrong, they become culpable. They hate suits more than anything, so they go to great lengths to feign ignorance.
3:45: He wants a legislated ban on listing tar and nicotine levels.
3:46: One federal judge called big tobacco: “The king of disinformation and concealment.” Another called them “racketeers.”
3:47: Lautenberg doesn’t want to show any bias that isn’t “Senator-like,” but he’s worried that tobacco kills over 400,000 Americans every year.
3:49: Telephone surveys show that people who quit would be willing to take up smoking again if they thought that cigarettes were safer.
3:51: Sheller is pissed that the FTC never does anything. He wants their jurisdiction yanked. “Put an end to it, please.”
3:52: Most light cigarette smokers don’t realize that they are inhaling toxins.
3:53: The taste is smoother and cooler, leading people to think that it’s also safer. Not unlike “fruit drinks and alcohol.”
3:53: Lautenberg: “Is this simply deceiving consumers while the government looks the other way?”
3:54: ‘This area is not the FTC’s competence.’ Dr. Henningfield thinks that the FDA has significant experience determining standards for “light”. No reason that similar standards can’t apply to cigarettes.
3:56: Lautenberg wants to know why nobody cares about the Surgeons General’s warning.
3:56: Smokers are committed, like sports fans. They’re not dispassionate and reasonable.
3:59: The hearing is adjourned.
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