A Call For Better Comments Image courtesy of
This is a request for the comments to be more mature and civil, and have less name-calling, recommendations of violence, and in general, trying to bring people down. It's gotten to the point of being depressing.
This is a request for the comments to be more mature and civil, and have less name-calling, recommendations of violence, and in general, trying to bring people down. It’s gotten to the point of being depressing.
In addition to this plea, we’ve got in the works:
- Appointing a Consumerist-specific comment approver. Previously, one gal was approving comments across multiple Gawker blogs. Entrance requirements will be tightened.
- Appointing a comments moderator. This person will monitor conversation for people going wackydoodle, at tines, step in to say, “hey, that’s not cool,” and if necessary, pass on recommendations for bans.
We can be passionate, disagree, have discourse, debate, strong opinions. It would be boring otherwise. But let’s also try elevating the exchange of ideas, experiences, and tips, and perchance, develop a stronger community.
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