Martinelli's Apple Juice: Now With Mold!

Byron discovered something extra in his sealed 10 oz bottle of Martinelli’s Gold Medal apple juice. Hovering calmly inches above “BEST BY 11 Jan 09,” is an icky yellow cloud of mold. Byron, slightly perturbed, wrote to S. Martinelli:

I would like to say first and foremost that I have been a loyal customer of Martinelli’s for a number of years now. I think highly of your company’s products and have purchased them on many occasions thus far. Unfortunately, your product has not performed well on two separate purchases. I am disappointed because your product contained something other than apple juice that appears to be “mold” floating in (1) of the sealed plastic bottles. Last year, I purchased and then returned a case of Martinelli’s Gold Medal

Apple Juice #105) and upon opening the case, was again disappointed to find the presence of a foul smelling “vinegar”-like odor coming from one of glass bottles with some black colored specs also floating in the bottles.

Maybe it’s not mold. Maybe it’s the souls of evil apples suspended in a stasis called Martinelli’s. Nah, it’s probably mold.

After the jump, Byron’s email, Martinelli’s response, and the mold posing for a glamour shot.

Byron’s email:

On March 18, 2007, I purchased a 24 pack of Martinelli’s Gold Medal

10 oz Apple Juice; serial number: (side of 24pack: W01107-04) Date on bottle: “Best*By 11JAN09 02:37 KOSHER” at Costco, located at ********************.

I would like to say first and foremost that I have been a loyal customer of Martinelli’s for a number of years now. I think highly of your company’s products and have purchased them on many occasions thus far. Unfortunately, your product has not performed well on two separate purchases. I am disappointed because your product contained something other than apple juice that appears to be “mold” floating in (1) of the sealed plastic bottles. Last year, I purchased and then returned a case of Martinelli’s Gold Medal

Apple Juice #105) and upon opening the case, was again disappointed to find the presence of a foul smelling “vinegar”-like odor coming from one of glass bottles with some black colored specs also floating in the bottles.

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait until (1-3 weeks) before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau and posting my complaint on Please contact me at the above address, by phone at (***) ******** or email at *****.com.’s response:

Thank you for contacting S.Martinelli & Company. Please accept our apologies for these unfortunate incidents. I have given our QA department the Best By information you have given me so they can check on that particular batch of juice. I would be glad to send you a reimbursement check for the 2 bottles, or some coupons toward your next purchase. Please let me know which you prefer.


Donna Hanlon
S.Martinelli & Company
Consumer Services

We prefer our apple juice without mold in the first place, thank you. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

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