Defeat Sprint’s Rate Hike Cancellation Lies
Sprint’s retention department is trying its darnedest to prevent customers from jumping out a window of opportunity that would let them cancel service without penalty.
The most common line Sprint customer service reps are using is that text messages are an “add-on,” and therefore not covered in the original contract.
This is a blatant lie.
You can still cancel without paying a termination fee, but it will take persistence and tenacity. One successful canceller threatened to file a letter with his Public Utilities commission, and then did it. He received a letter confirming he got out of contract without charge a week later.
The reps may try to tell you the change only applies to people with special text message plans, or only to people who signed up after Oct. 1. These too are bald misrepresentations.
Be firm. Be in control.
Some customers report being offered service credits or free text messaging to stay. Be aware that if you accept these carrots, you will have accepted the new terms of service and not be able to cancel over the text message rate hikes.
Canceled Sprint successfully under these terms? Trying to and failed? Share your thoughts in the comments or tips at
Previously: Oct31 Deadline For Free Sprint Contract Killing
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