How To Be A Consumerist Commenter
Commenting on the Consumerist isn’t some elite club… just look at our commenters.
Ha! Just kidding, guys. You know we love you. And like the harem of nubile intellects that you are, we’d like to continue to see your numbers grow.
So here’s a reminder: the invite-only system of the past is done for. All you need to do to get a commenting login is post a comment in any post. Fill in the username and password you like. Click submit. You’ll get some new boxes popping up, asking you to confirm your password and email. Enter those, then submit!
We’ve got a team of comment improvers working at Gawker HQ, vetting the best, boldest and funniest. So if you have something to say in a post, don’t email us, don’t ask for an invite: just say it and, more likely than not, you’re in!
UPDATE: You know, we rather obliviously forgot to mention the real reason we’re bringing this up. The bottom line is that two editors can’t run this site, because it requires a constantly refilling stove of consumer experiences. So we need you as commenters to help us keep abreast of what’s going on, to see what are merely the random errors of companies and what are the true, worrying trends. Likewise, if a post has a good head of steam going, companies reading this site know what they’ve got to correct. We need as many comments as possible to both know where to focus our attention and to keep companies honest. So don’t be shy. Step in. We need you.
Want more consumer news? Visit our parent organization, Consumer Reports, for the latest on scams, recalls, and other consumer issues.