Apple’s Lifted Video Provokes Band Response
We’re a bit behind on this story, but we figured we’d get our finger on it before it got away from us. Apple straight-up ripped off the video for The Postal Service’s song Such Great Heights to promote its use of Intel chips in its new Macs. (The Postal Service is a band, not our U.S. Mail.) Both videos were directed by the same two people, which makes it unquestionably clear that Apple and their ad agency, TBWAChiat Day, intended to clone the video shot-for-shot from the beginning.
The Postal Service’s Ben Gibbard had this to say:
It has recently come to our attention that Apple Computers’ new television commercial for the Intel chip features a shot-for-shot recreation of our video for ‘Such Great Heights’ made by the same filmmakers responsible for the original. We did not approve this commercialization and are extremely disappointed with both parties that this was executed without our consultation or consent.
Like we said, we’re a bit late to the game on this one, but we think there might just be more to say about this in the future. If nothing else, it does Apple no good to look like a copycat (even if polishing old ideas is something at which Apple excels).
Every time one opens at iPod there is a sticker that says ‘Don’t Steal Music.’ Perhaps with the introduction of the iPod video, Apple should be heeding its own advice: Don’t Steal Videos.
Speaking of not stealing, image from Frederik Samuel.
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