Overstock.com’s Patrick Byrne Leaks Own Interview
Following the ins-and-outs of business is not our forte, but we continue to be enraptured by the kooky CEO of Overstock.com, Patrick Byrne. After making a call to investors where he assured them that he was not, among other things, a Jedi, he’s now followed up by publishing an email interview with Business Week’s e-Business editor Tim Mullaney—before the Business Week article has been published.
So yeah, yeah, who cares if there’s some weirdness afoot in the offices of billion-dollar companies (at least if it doesn’t affect our ability to get a sweet deal)? In principle we agree, but reading a Byrne ramble is high entertainment, especially when it’s straight from the tap. Example par excellence:
Several years ago my friend and colleague, Stormy Simon, put a killer (David Meade) behind bars. For four years the police searched for a witness of whom they knew only a name, “Stormy” (which they mistakenly assumed to be a stripper’s nom du stage: they thus confined their searches to Intermountain strip joints). They never found Stormy, and while Stormy knew some key facts about the murder, she did not that a murder had taken place. Stormy learned only when Meade found her to tell her that if she testified she “would end up face down in a field with a bullet in her head.”
At the end of Meade’s trial it seemed certain he would walk out of court a free man, but in a John Grisham-like twist, Stormy surprised everyone by showing up in the courtroom. Her testimony put Meade away for life. She is a hero to the Salt Lake City homicide detectives and prosecutors, one of whom just wrote a book, “Death in a Fish Pond,” the climax of which is Story’s out-of-the-blue heroism (the only other witness, incidentally, has since ended up face down in a field).
Pardon the huge blockquote, but we remind you once again: This is an interview with a CEO. Perhaps the best CEO ever.
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