
Watch President Obama's Address To Congress

Watch President Obama's Address To Congress

President Obama is addressing Congress this evening in what is expected to be a somber pep-talk on getting the economy right. We’ve embedded the Hulu feed, watch it and add your comments, thoughts, and reactions to this post.


President Obama has signed the stimulus package. “Today does not mark the end of our economic troubles,” Obama said before signing the bill at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. “But it does mark the beginning of the end — the beginning of what we need to do to create jobs for Americans scrambling in the wake of layoffs; to provide relief for families worried they won’t be able to pay next month’s bills; and to set our economy on a firmer foundation.” [CNN]

Obama Collector's Coins Turn Out To Be Stickers Stuck On Regular Coins

Obama Collector's Coins Turn Out To Be Stickers Stuck On Regular Coins

You may have seen the commercial where Montel Williams hawks some goofy collectible coins with President Obama’s face IN FULL COLOR OMG. If you were planning on ordering some, though, watch this video from KATU 2 TV in Portland, Oregon first.* A father and daughter bought the coins and discovered that they’re just regular money with color stickers applied. One of the news anchors even comments that she could see the face on the coin through the sticker when she looked at it from the side.

StimulusWatch.org Helps Organize, Rate "Shovel-Ready" Projects

StimulusWatch.org Helps Organize, Rate "Shovel-Ready" Projects

Know of a local want or need that you think the proposed stimulus package could support? At http://www.StimulusWatch.org, you can submit, comment on, and rate projects all across America that could really use those federal stimulus dollars. [StimulusWatch] (Thanks, Matt!)

Notes On Obama's Press Conference

Notes On Obama's Press Conference

Obama is giving a press conference right now, mainly about the stimulus package. Here are the highlights, none of which are earth-shattering:

Government Imposes $500,000 Executive Pay Cap On Bailed-Out Companies

Government Imposes $500,000 Executive Pay Cap On Bailed-Out Companies

President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner have announced a $500,000 maximum wage for employees of companies that receive taxpayer support. The rule will only apply to companies that receive future bailout funds. Oh, also, you’re going to be bailing out more companies.


After protests from the First Lady, toy company Ty has agreed not to sell “Sweet Sasha” and “Marvelous Malia” dolls. Ty, the maker of Beanie Babies, had maintained that the dolls were not based on the Obama daughters.

Obama Orders Review Of FDA In Wake Of Salmonella Outbreak

Obama Orders Review Of FDA In Wake Of Salmonella Outbreak

President Obama has had it up to here with poor FDA oversight, particularly of salmonella-infested peanut factories, and he’s called for a review of the underfunded organization, according to U.S. News & World Report.


After failing to get the required two-third majority on Wednesday, the House is expected next week to pass legislation delaying the digital television transition to June 12, according to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. The Senate has already voted to extend the deadline, and President Obama has indicated he will sign the bill.

White House To Citi: Don't Even Think About Buying Luxury Jets With Taxpayer Money

White House To Citi: Don't Even Think About Buying Luxury Jets With Taxpayer Money

Yesterday, we wrote that Citigroup had decided to spend $50 million of its bailout money on a French luxury jet to ferry execs around town. The White House was not pleased about this.

NYC Baker Sells 'Drunken Negro Head' Cookies, Doesn't See The Problem

NYC Baker Sells 'Drunken Negro Head' Cookies, Doesn't See The Problem

Ted Kefalinos, the proprietor of a bakery in Greenwich Village (a neighborhood in New York City), can’t understand why the media is having such a field day over his Drunken Negro Head cookies. They’re fun! Nobody complained about his dead geese cookies last week! He’s got a Cuban brother-in-law! We’d be more willing to believe it was just a bad marketing decision if it weren’t for the follow-up comments a customer alleged he made.


The inauguration is over so you may now commence sending pix, texts and phonecalls using your cellular telephone devices.

Please, No Pix Or Calls Until After The Inauguration

So as to avoid the warned-of network outages and delays, The president of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association would like all patriotic citizens to “do their part in decreasing network demand by texting instead of placing voice calls, and holding off on cell phone pictures or video until after the events are over.” [Washington Post]

Dear President-Elect Obama, The FDA Is Mismanaged. Sincerely, The FDA

Dear President-Elect Obama, The FDA Is Mismanaged. Sincerely, The FDA

A letter to President-Elect Obama from nine FDA scientists makes alarming charges of mismanagement at the FDA, alleging incompetence, intimidation, and inappropriate industry influence.

Time To Bring Back The Consumer Czar

Time To Bring Back The Consumer Czar

Last month, several consumer groups sent President-elect Obama a letter detailing a pro-consumer agenda for the new administration and Congress. One of those suggestions, supported by an editorial in today’s New York Times, is reinstating the position of special assistant to the President on consumer affairs, also known as the consumer czar.

Blackberry: Time/Money-Saver Or Productivity Trap?

Blackberry: Time/Money-Saver Or Productivity Trap?

One interesting fact coming out this week is that Barack Obama appears headed for severe technology withdrawal as he gives up his Blackberry and email communication in general. Poor guy. As if having to deal with the economic crisis and the Iraq war aren’t enough — now he’s got this! Anyway, the fallout has sparked a debate over that the Wall Street Journal blog The Juggle. The key question: is the Crackberry a useful device that helps you save time and money or is it a life-disrupting distraction that should be limited dramatically at worst, and eliminated altogether at best?

Obama's Promises To Consumers

Obama's Promises To Consumers

Obama just gave his acceptance speech to become the Democratic candidate for the next President of the United States of America. Here’s what was in it for consumers, he promised to:

Obama Took Hillary As VP "Very Seriously"

Obama Took Hillary As VP "Very Seriously"

I like to keep it pretty apolitical here at The Consumerist, but when Obama uttered the very same PR-double-speak phrase, “taking it seriously,” that we’ve been skewering for eight months, I had to post it.