
Breast Milk Ice Cream Confiscated From London Shop

Breast Milk Ice Cream Confiscated From London Shop

When we wrote about the London ice cream shop that had made a frozen treat from human breast milk, some readers wondered about the legality and/or safety of such a product. Well, they weren’t alone, as local authorities decided to confiscate the ice cream until those questions were resolved. [More]

Travel Reporter Gets Burned On London Vacation Rental Scam

Travel Reporter Gets Burned On London Vacation Rental Scam

New York Times “Frugal Travel” reporter Seth Kugel thought he got a great deal when he rented a London flat for a pittance, only to have it disappear along with his wired deposit. [More]

Drunk American Airlines Pilot Arrested Before Transatlantic Flight

Drunk American Airlines Pilot Arrested Before Transatlantic Flight

London police arrested an American Airlines pilot twenty minutes before he was scheduled to fly 204 passengers from London to Chicago. 57-year-old Captain Joseph Crites was four-times over the legal alcohol limit and reeking of booze when he tried to enter his Boeing 777’s cockpit.

United Airlines Pilot Is Too Drunk To Fly

United Airlines Pilot Is Too Drunk To Fly

This whole “drunks on a plane” thing is getting out of control. First it was the passengers, then the flight attendants… now it’s the pilots.

All Saints Apparel Plagiarizes Shirt Design From Gaming Site 4 Color Rebellion

All Saints Apparel Plagiarizes Shirt Design From Gaming Site 4 Color Rebellion

Posh London retailer All Saints Apparel plagiarized a shirt design from the gaming site 4 color rebellion. The site originally unveiled the ‘You Complete Me’ tetris-heart figure for Valentine’s Day in 2006. Designer Mitch was surprised to find that All Saints had plastered the exact same design on a shirt selling for £40—that’s like, $90! Mitch asked All Saints for an explanation, which was enough to prompt a decent resolution.

American Airlines Doesn't Care If You Were Rushed To The ER With Appendicitis. You Are A No Show, And Will Receive No Refund.

American Airlines Doesn't Care If You Were Rushed To The ER With Appendicitis. You Are A No Show, And Will Receive No Refund.

“What is ya’lls experience with dealing with AA when the passenger has a case of appendicitis? My sister is going under the knife in London right now, and was admitted to the ER 6hrs before her scheduled flight back to Seattle. We’ve called AA and they say no chance of getting any sort of re-booking, rebate, coupon, or whatever because she was listed as a “No Show” for the flight. We called the airline before the flight to inform them of the situation.”

Man Fakes Death For Three Years To Avoid Debt Collectors

Man Fakes Death For Three Years To Avoid Debt Collectors

Man fakes death for three years to avoid debt collectors. Hides in in house and flees via secret compartments whenever guests are over. When he finally resurfaced, he did it by walking into a police station and claiming to be suffering from amnesia. He was arrested on suspicion of fraud. Debt makes people do crazy things. That’s why we’re allergic to it when it comes to buying depreciating assets (unless they’re needed to make more money.

When Business Traveling In London, Watch Out For Naked Sleepwalkers

When Business Traveling In London, Watch Out For Naked Sleepwalkers

Travelodge, which runs more than 300 budget business hotels in the UK, is training its staff on how to respond to the 70% surge in the past year of naked men sleepwalking through their hotels: “One tip in the company’s newly released ‘sleepwalkers guide’ tells staff to keep towels handy at the front desk in case a customer’s dignity needs preserving.” The sleepwalkers have been reported asking questions like, “Where’s the bathroom?,” “Do you have a newspaper?” and “Can I check out, I’m late for work?”

British Airways Leaves Luggage To Rot Outside Heathrow

British Airways Leaves Luggage To Rot Outside Heathrow

I was flying [British Airways] from Amsterdam to London Heathrow to Denver on July 28th. When I landed I waited by the luggage carousel for my bag, well as you can sure guess, it never turned up. I was told by BA, that they found my bag they apologized and assured me it would be delivered to my home the following day. Seven days later the luggage finally showed up. [More]

Avoid US Airways' Trans-Atlantic Flights

Avoid US Airways' Trans-Atlantic Flights

Even your ever-skeptical columnist was shocked at what I found: a near-collapse of the day-to-day operations of US Airways’ Philadelphia-based trans-Atlantic service. Even by this summer’s reduced standards, the operation that US Airways runs between Philadelphia and Europe is shocking.

Airlines Salivating Over Open Skies Agreement

Airlines Salivating Over Open Skies Agreement

The Trans-Atlantic deregulation agreement known as “Open Skies” has airlines chomping at the bit—even though the start date is still 11 months away, according to USAToday. The agreement will allow any US airline to fly anywhere in the EU and any EU airline to fly anywhere in the US. So, will you be flying Aer Lingus from Cleveland to Dallas? Maybe. Will it be cheaper?

Google Suggests You Swim Across The Atlantic Ocean

Google Suggests You Swim Across The Atlantic Ocean

Google, either encouraging physical fitness or zero population growth, offers the above helpful suggestion when mapping the route from Chicago to London.

Click here for the full directions and map of the route.—MEGHANN MARCO

Finder Of Apple Porn On His Daughter’s Laptop Interviewed

Finder Of Apple Porn On His Daughter’s Laptop Interviewed

UPDATE: Imran works as a system administrator at Orange, the mobile arm of France Telecom.

Internet Sneers At Apple/ Porn/ Laptop/ Child Post

Internet Sneers At Apple/ Porn/ Laptop/ Child Post

UPDATE: Finder Of Apple Porn On His Daughter’s Laptop Interviewed

Apple Sells “Refreshed” Laptop Filled With Porn To 11 Year Old Girl

Internet Sneers At Apple/ Porn/ Laptop/ Child Post

Cheating, Stealing, Gouging Customers: The World Of London Real Estate

Cheating, Stealing, Gouging Customers: The World Of London Real Estate

Wow. The latest entry in the Beeb’s Whistleblower series of undercover reporting has blown the real estate market in London wide open.

Sony to Customers: Kill Others

Sony to Customers: Kill Others

Earlier, we here at the Consumerist were brave enough to tell you about a recent London subway PSP advertisement that gleefully encouraged Sony customers to kill themselves. We took the opportunity in reporting this to wonder whether or not Sony’s next subversive advertisement tact might be to encourage their customers to start killing people.