

Court Awards Pizza Hut Customer $2,400 For Denture Damaged While Eating “Excessively Hard Croutons”

While the human mouth gets to have all the fun of tasting, chewing and eating delicious food in all its various incarnations, it can also be the portal to pain when something isn’t right. In the case of a man who said he broke a partial denture at Pizza Hut, the weapon of destruction came in the form of “excessively hard croutons.” [More]

Rothbury Farms Crunches One Ounce Off Bags Of Croutons

Rothbury Farms Crunches One Ounce Off Bags Of Croutons

Croutons are so light and crunchy that you probably won’t notice a missing ounce. At least, that’s what they’re probably hoping at Rothbury Farms. Alert reader and crouton-eater John sent in this comparison of their old and new bags of croutons, where a lighter color and the same size bag masks the shrink rayage of the package. [More]