Qwest Updates Contact Page To Explain Why They Don't Accept Emails

Yesterday we noted that Qwest has done away with their “email us” option on their contact page, and in a comical example of corporate doublespeak they’d printed, “Your questions and concerns are very important to us, however we are no longer able to respond to email.” Today it looks like Qwest has changed that pop-up window to provide a little more information.

Now it reads,

Your questions and concerns are very important to us.

In an effort to provide a faster response, and to ensure your personal security, we ask that you please use our online chat (available on most pages in the upper right corner), call or visit us at one of our retail locations. This will ensure the most complete and timely response to your questions and concerns.

Well, at least now they’ve provided an explanation (and there’s at least one reader who agrees with them).

Remember, if you’ve tried to resolve a problem with your Qwest account and haven’t had any luck, you can always try one of the people listed in their corporate directory.

(Photo: Getty)