How Much Does It Cost To Propose At Your Home Team’s Baseball Game?

It’s $209 to pop the question at the Minnesota Twins’ Target Field. (Christopher V.)
The enterprising folks over at have put together a pretty neat infographic (though that word makes my internal organs recoil in on themselves) showing the range of prices offered at all 30 MLB teams’ stadiums — including the handful of parks that don’t allow for such romantic gestures. They’ve probably never been in love before, and for that, I’m truly sorry.
It’ll cost you anywhere from the bargain price of $39 at a Pittsburgh Pirates game all the way up to the grandaddy of marriage packages, at $2,500 for a live video of a proposal at a Los Angeles Dodgers game. Although that might seem like a hefty amount, the proceeds go to charity and many stadiums offer extra perks like a commemorative baseball marked with the date.
Some packages are quite reasonably priced — like at Miller Park, host to my hometown team, the Milwaukee Brewers — $100 for a single-line message up to 35 characters or your very own full scoreboard message for $250. Basic, gets the message across, done.
Others come with more perks the more you pay — $500 at Marlins Park will get you a message on the scoreboard, a live video, a PA announcement and a dozen red roses delivered by Billy Marlin, the team mascot.
Check out for the whole list, and if your team doesn’t offer proposals? Just make one of those big obnoxious signs and flap it incessantly until a cameraman notices you.
You can follow MBQ on Twitter but please don’t propose unless you’re Aaron Rodgers, not that you’re trying to, just saying: @marybethquirk
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