Did You Buy A $23K Wedding Ring For $10 At A Garage Sale? Because This Guy Needs It Back

(ABC News)
A word to the wise: Even if you think that box is empty, open it. Just in case there’s a $23,000 diamond wedding ring nestled inside. One California husband thought he was just donating an empty watch box to a community garage sale, but instead he ended up handing over the pricy item to a stranger for the low low price of only $10. Talk about ammo for future fights — this guy needs that ring or he’s going to lose every single argument, forever.
His wife is upset, of course, although she sounds like she’s taking it with as much grace as she can muster, reports ABC News.
“Every year our community holds a garage sale. I was in the hospital, I just had a baby, so my husband thought it would be fun for my other kids if they could sell some things at the garage sale,” said the Laguna Niel, Calif. resident.
So her husband grabbed some stuff he thought the family didn’t need or want anymore, including that not-so-empty watch box.
“He didn’t know that before I went to the hospital, I put my ring in that box. I wanted the ring to be in a safe place and out of reach from my 2-year-old twins.”
Cut to June 5, four days after the box sold on June 1 and she realizes her ring is missing.
“I go into my husband’s closet, can’t find the box, and then he tells me he sold it. I said, ‘You sold it? What do you mean you sold it?’ I immediately started crying,” she said, adding, “I’m very, very, very upset. I’m trying to remain optimistic but I don’t know anymore. There’s a small chance whoever bought the box doesn’t know the ring is in there.”
The couple says a blonde woman bought the box, and was unsure at the time if she even wanted to buy the box. So if that’s you, do the right thing and get in touch. Because that husband “feels really terrible” right about now.
Calif. Husband Sells $23,000 Ring for $10 [ABC News]
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