xbox 360

Xbox Live Gold Breaks When Using Other Microsoft Premium Services

Some Xbox 360 users have found that signing up for Xbox Live Gold while also having another Microsoft premium service, like MSN Music or MSN Direct, causes the following message to be displayed. The not quite literal quote:

“Your account has been suspended due to a problem with your payment option. Please use a different payment option or update your current information in Account Management.”

Even worse, when trying to troubleshoot the problem with Microsoft Xbox tech support, some of the reps have recommended deleting the Xbox profile and creating a new one, leading to the loss of customers’ saved games. Microsoft community liaison ‘Major Nelson’ said they were testing a fix on the first of December, but it has yet to show up.

Hopefully Nearly Final Xbox 360 ‘Second Wave’ Update

We’re getting a bit tired of the Xbox 360 shopping and we haven’t even purchased one. While we will probably camp out in the frigid air Saturday night to get a crack at Best Buy’s Sunday morning restock, we will also probably turn right around and sell our excess on eBay, just to spite those who say doing so is mercenary. (Duh!)

PRICE ALERT: Amazon/TRU Has Xbox 360 for Sale

Two bundles, $1k apiece. Ships in 24 hours, they say. Go, go, go.

How Bad is American Express’s ‘My Wishlist?’

UPDATE: Check out this year’s post: AMEX’s MyWishlist: Everything You Need To Know

Vertical Xbox 360s Scratch Discs?

Vertical Xbox 360s Scratch Discs?

Could positioning the Xbox 360 vertically—the way it’s shown in almost all its ads—actually scratch game and movie discs? That’s the explanation offered by one Microsoft customer service rep, who went on to explain that Microsoft would not be replacing discs scratched due to using to the Xbox in the ‘improper’ position.

Xbox 360 @ Best Buy: The Return

Xbox 360 @ Best Buy: The Return

The ol’ Xbox 360 inventory tracker is back, this time detailing how many 360’s your local Best Buy should be receiving for the December 18th restock (very probably the last chance you’ll have to pick up an Xbox before Christmas). According to The Consumerist’s top-secret internal Best Buy sources (this dude we know in the stock room), the numbers are legit.

Amazon/Toys R Us Unable to Fulfill Xbox 360 Orders

for the inconvenience we have caused you.

Some folks have asked us if we think this is an engineered shortage on the part of Microsoft. We feel it is safe to say that it is not. (Thanks, J. Nelson!)

Best Buy: Sorry We Lied (But Thanks for Your Money)

Best Buy: Sorry We Lied (But Thanks for Your Money)

needs better than anyone else, and our values of honesty and integrity.

“That’s why in the future, Best Buy employees will only pressure customers to purchase expensive, unnecessary Product Service Plans, because the margins on those are crazy good. Seriously, it’s just a little paper pamphlet.”

Afternoon Freebies: Gay Wallet Follies

Afternoon Freebies: Gay Wallet Follies

The Dell Game continues apace. Tug the stockings to win a prize, or more likely, a coupon for percentage off discounts on Dell products.

Dumb Scam Artists: Xbox 360s in Bulk

When we saw a comment on another blog asking us to email to find out about buying Xbox 360s in lots of ten, we dropped him a line. You know, might as well. Here was Adam Cigly’s reply:

We are selling the xbox 360 for just $180USD ,these are all unlocked brand new xbox 360 and with 1year international warranty so for the shipping is within 48hours through FEDEX SHIPPING COMPANY which cost $60usd and the payment is thrugh western union money transfer ,do reply back with your full shipping address and your personal phone number ok thanks and God bless””””””””””’

See, they make it up in volume. And God bless you, too, Adam. Pay Robots to Find You an Xbox Pay Robots to Find You an Xbox

We’ve been trying to score Microsoft’s new Xbox 360 game console for the last week without paying the ridiculous eBay premiums. (We are holding a charity raffle in Brooklyn and wanted to give one away. Seriously.)

Xbox 360 Can Scratch Game Discs

Xbox 360 Can Scratch Game Discs

Best Buy’s Xbox 360 Bundle Bumble

Best Buy’s Xbox 360 Bundle Bumble

When new game consoles launch, retailers often choose to sell ‘bundles’ instead of just the console itself. That’s because the markup on the consoles themselves are next to nothing (usually just a couple of dollars when everything is all new and shiny), and also because it allows them to force some of the less popular accessory items on customers who just want the basics.

Inevitable Frenzied Post-Launch Xbox 360 Ebay Sales

Inevitable Frenzied Post-Launch Xbox 360 Ebay Sales

If we figure that the lowest average price for an Xbox 360 Premium kit is around $450ish after tax, the going rate on Ebay this morning would seem to be around $945—nearly double the retail price. That’s not a bad bit of profit for anyone who could get their hands on a system, let alone three or four.