This week, Microsoft is adding new streaming video applications from HBO Go, Major League Baseball and Xfinity from Comcast. And while announcing that new streaming video service, Xfinity’s overlord Comcast say the traffic from the streaming video service won’t count against Comcast’s 250GB monthly data cap. [More]
xbox 360
Microsoft Says It's Taking Xbox Live Account-Hacking Problem Seriously
Reports — some of them from our readers — are circulating that thieves are hacking their way into Xbox Live accounts, perhaps in greater numbers than usual. While Microsoft says it has no evidence that there is an Xbox Live security breach, the Xbox Live general manager says support teams are working hard to retrieve swiped accounts and protect users from threats. [More]

Kinect For Windows Doesn't Mean You'll Be Playing Dance Central 2 On Your PC
When Microsoft announced earlier this week that it would be selling Kinect for Windows starting in February, a number of people envisioned a near future where they would be moving the cells around on their Excel spreadsheet by waving their hands, or finally getting quality motion controls for PC games that have never been ported to the Xbox 360. But neither of these situations is really what Kinect for Windows is about. [More]

Report: Hundreds Of Xbox Makers At Foxconn Plant Threatened Suicide
Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn has factories just about everywhere in the world, and they make stuff for just about every gadget company that you can think of. This makes any news coming out of the company, from 2010’s suicide cluster to last year’s explosion, fascinating to us. But it’s hard to look at your Xbox quite the same way after learning that hundreds of Foxconn workers reportedly took to the roof and threatened suicide over severance payments. [More]

How Not Having Home Internet Access Makes Xbox Live Problematic
It’s difficult to imagine such a rustic, primitive existence, but Dustin doesn’t have broadband Internet access at home. He seems to manage, though. Except when it comes to his Xbox 360. When he downloaded a game expansion, a Microsoft representative gave him bad advice, instructing him to put his hard drive in the console of a friend who does have broadband at home. The representative left out a step, and the game expansion license now belongs to Dustin’s friend’s account. No one at Microsoft is able to help him get the content back under his own gamertag so he can use the content he paid for. [More]

Avoid Browser Glitch That Causes Unintentional Xbox Live Purchases
If you like to look for free Xbox 360 game demos via on a browser, it’s easy to make a mistake that causes you to accidentally buy the product rather than just test it out. [More]

Report: Xbox 360 Update Uglies Up Video Playback
That Xbox 360 update that makes gamers promise not to sue and reportedly broke some consoles also may have brought another annoyance along with it. Reports say updated machines have trouble properly playing video, making colors appear washed out. [More]

Mandatory Xbox 360 Update Breaks Some Consoles, Microsoft Claims 'Coincidence'
Last week’s exciting Kinect Dashboard update for Xbox 360 consoles didn’t just ask users to waive their right to sue and make customers pay to be advertised to. It also appears to have caused problems with a number of consoles. Nothing major: it just keeps them from reading any discs…no, wait, that is major. Microsoft representatives say that this is a coincidence, and that customers with freshly broken consoles need to send them in for repair for $100 or so. [More]

Microsoft Makes Gamers Promise Never To Sue It After Xbox Update
It turns out that shiny new mandatory Xbox 360 update was something of a Trojan Horse that allows Microsoft to twist gamers’ arms and make them agree never to sue the company. [More]

Will Xbox TV's Voice & Motion Controls Actually Revolutionize TV Watching?
Starting tomorrow, an update to the Xbox 360’s dashboard will integrate its Kinect motion/voice-detection system and Microsoft’s Bing search engine in the hopes of creating a truly hands-free entertainment experience. But does it work? [More]

FiOS Bringing 26 Channels Of Live TV To Xbox 360
As we wrote early last month, the folks at Microsoft had signed some sort of then-nebulous deal with Verizon FiOS to bring more live TV options to Xbox 360 users. Now, as the twosome prepares to roll out its offerings, details of the deal have finally been released. [More]

Xbox 360 Finally Getting More Live & On-Demand TV
It’s been reported for quite some time that Xbox 360 users would eventually get access to more streaming video options. Earlier today, Microsoft announced that it has partnered with a number of content providers to bring content from HBO, SyFy and even more for Comcast and Verizon FiOS subscribers. [More]

Microsoft Apologizes To Those Mistakenly Banned From Xbox Live
A security snafu banned an unconfirmed number of users from Xbox Live. Now Microsoft has admitted to the mistake and issued an apology to those affected. The Xbox cops have revoked the ban and credited the innocent with three free month of Xbox Live and $20 worth of Microsoft Points. [More]

Xbox TV Service To Launch By End Of Year
Microsoft has been plotting out its plan to imbue Xbox 360s with cable box-like TV powers for months, and is now gearing up to launch the live TV service, which it says will include “news, sports and your favorite channels” as well as on-demand video. [More]

Get Your Free Xbox 360 From Dell For Only $100
It was probably a glitch and not a nefarious plot on Dell’s part, but Chris found it odd when he tried to take advantage of Microsoft’s back-to-school promo where a free Xbox comes with certain Windows laptops. Dell’s site kept showing that adding on the free Xbox promo made his total $100 higher than with just the computer. Huh? [More]

Lawsuit Accuses Microsoft Of Double Billing Xbox Live Customers
For Xbox 360 users to have access to online gaming, they need to get a paid subscription to Microsoft’s Xbox Live Gold service. But a new lawsuit alleges that the service’s “vague and onerous terms of use,” are leading subscribers to be double-billed. [More]

Microsoft At E3: Bing, YouTube, More TV Streaming Coming To Xbox
Judging from the bulk of Microsoft’s major announcements at its E3 press conference Monday, the company doesn’t want Xbox 360 owners to turn off its machine when they want to watch TV rather than play games. A fall system update will deliver Bing-powered voice web search, a YouTube app and an unnamed TV-streaming service. [More]

Microsoft Reaching Out To Xbox 360 Owners Whose Systems Won't Play Games
Responding to news that some Xbox 360s might not be able to play game discs, Microsoft’s PR firm sent us a message to clarify the issue: [More]