worst company in america

Don’t Forget to Vote, ChoicePoint vs US Government

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Don’t Forget to Vote, Halliburton vs. Wal-Mart

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The Consumerist Could Be on NPR Any Second Now

The Consumerist Could Be on NPR Any Second Now

So… we *might* be on NPR’s Marketplace in about 30 minutes, (5pm, EST), talking about the Worst Company in America poll. That’s about all we know. These crazy radio guys, they’re editing up to like the last second the show goes on. Unlike us crazy blogger guys, who can edit weeks and days after. Tune in on the NPR live stream or check your local listings, both found on the website.

Round 14: Halliburton vs. Wal-Mart

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We May Be On NPR Tonite

We May Be On NPR Tonite

Ian Chillag for NPR Marketplace’s interviewed us this week about the “Worst Company in America” poll. The bit may be broadcasting tonight at 5pm EST. We should know more by 2:30pm.

Round 13: US Government vs. ChoicePoint

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Worst Company in America? Tier 2 Results

Worst Company in America? Tier 2 Results

Round 12: Sony BMG vs US Government

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Round 11: Southwest vs. ChoicePoint

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The Meaning of Being the Worst Company in America

A thought: the companies duking it out in the “Worst Company in America” aren’t up there because they have bad customer service or because they fail to deliver the best product at the best price.

Round 10: Sprint vs. Walmart

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Round 9: Halliburton vs. H&R Block

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Worst Company in America: Tier 1 Results

Worst Company in America: Tier 1 Results

Ladies and Gentlemen, your Tier 1 champions! Some no-brainers, squeakers and absolute pummeling.

Round 8: Enron vs. U.S. Government

The moment you’ve all been waiting for. Ladies and Gentlemen, we present the clash of the titans.

Round 7: Google vs. Sony BMG

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Round 6: Choice Point vs. Sallie Mae

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Round 5: Jet Blue vs. Southwest

Rick Dobbs

Consumerist Buys its Way Into the New York Times

Consumerist Buys its Way Into the New York Times

Bust out the absinthe, we got in the New York Times this weekend.