First of all, we’d like to offer a belated Happy Birthday to the World Wide Web, which turned 26 yesterday. You’re closer to 30 than 20 now, so your hangovers will only get worse. Second, to honor that milestone, Google announced updates to its Safe Browsing technology, including a warning when users are about to visit a site chockfull of unwanted software. [More]
world wide web

Google Expands “Safe Browsing” App To Warn Users About Sites Riddled With Unwanted Software

Raise Your Hand If You’re One Of The 15% In U.S. Who Don’t Use The Internet
If you’re reading this right now without using the Internet, raise your hand. I won’t see you or anything, but you will know that you’re part of the 15% of the U.S. population that doesn’t use the Internet. I’d also be super impressed at how you managed to visit this site without the Internet, but that’s another issue for another day. [More]

Internet Index Results Mean Maybe We Should Just Rename It The Sweden Wide Web
Slow your chants of “We’re No. 1! We’re No. 1!” and stop waving that foam finger, America. We aren’t number one, at least not so far as the World Wide Web is considered — Sweden is. I know, so disappointing and now it’s totally going to be renamed the Sweden Wide Web except not really because that would be silly. Anyway, a new index from the World Wide Web Foundation has bestowed the No. 1 crown on Sweden, where about 95% of citizen are online. [More]