A lot of paywalled news sites are easily defeated with ye olde “incognito tab,” but others have required a little Google artistry — using both the incognito browsing and incredibly precise search queries to read a paywalled article for free. However, after years of pressure from publishers, Google is finally bricking up that doggie door.

You Can’t Get To Those Paywalled Articles From A Google Search Anymore

Yes, You Can Combine Amazon Subscribe & Save With Free 2-Day Prime Shipping
Amazon’s Subscribe & Save feature is useful when there’s something that you want to buy online and know that you’ll need regular shipments of, like electric toothbrush heads or bags of freeze-dried marshmallows. There’s a catch, though: if you have Amazon Prime and want free two-day shipping on those mailing labels or novelty emery boards, selecting the Subscribe & Save option from the item page doesn’t get you two-day shipping by default. [More]

Apple Promises To Fix iOS 7 Security Flaw That Renders Lock Screen Useless
Whenever there’s a new operating system released for a smartphone, users get all excited about a sleek new look or increased capabilities. But just like all other releases before it, the fresh iOS 7 for iPhones has its share of issues. Namely, a pretty easy hack that handily sidesteps the security of your lock screen and grants anyone acesss to your apps, including email and social media. [More]

A Workaround For DirecTV's 50 Show DVR Limit
Reader Paul is pissed because he found out that DirecTV’s DVR will only let you schedule 50 shows to record and watched. Having more than one person in his house, he hit this limit pretty fast. So how can you record more than 50 shows on the DirecTV in-house brand DVR? One thing you can do is use the enhanced search function with “boolean operations.” [More]

RadioShack Employee Buys Customer An Accessory In Order To Get System To Approve Phone Upgrade
Has RadioShack gone too far with its sales quotas? Allison wrote us to say that when she tried to upgrade her phone recently, the employee had to add accessories to the transaction before the system would approve it. She said he canceled some, and she ended up paying $2 for “two plastic covers for phones I don’t own.” But she says her mom had an even more bizarre experience at a RadioShack, where the assistant actually paid for the accessories herself. [More]

Here's A Possible Way To Avoid Citibank's New Account Fees
Next month, Citibank will implement its new $7.50 fee on what were formerly free checking and savings accounts. The only way to avoid the fee is to keep a total of $1500 minimum in your linked accounts. John wrote in to tell us that when he went to his branch and asked about the new fee, they found a way to get around it. It may not work for anyone else, but it’s worth sharing. [More]