wisconsin cheese


WI Scientists Study Important Question Of How To Keep Cheese Curds Squeaky Longer

If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to pluck a Wisconsin cheese curd from the bag and pop it into your mouth*, you know how important it is to hear the cheese squeak as you chew, thus, indicating its exquisite freshness. Alas, after a day or two, the squeak — and a lot of the joy — is gone. Some intrepid scientists wanted to know: is there any way to extend the squeak so folks outside of Wisconsin can experience this wonderful feeling? [More]


We Can All Be Proud That A Wisconsin Cheese Won The World Championship Cheese Contest

Full disclosure: I’m from Wisconsin, and I love cheese. So it isn’t surprising that the news that a Wisconsin cheese won the World Championship Cheese contest has me over the moon (which is made of cheese, of course). But we can all be proud, friends, because this is the world championship, and no U.S. cheese has won the title in nearly 30 years… until now. America! [More]

(Jax House)

State’s Residents Unsurprised That Wisconsin Cheesemaker Wins Best U.S. Cheese Honors

Of all the things Wisconsinites are proud to claim as their own (the Green Bay Packers, Harley-Davidson, Laverne & Shirley, Mark Ruffalo) perhaps the one nearest and dearest to our hearts is our intense love of cheese. So of course, it’s only fitting that a Wisconsin cheesemaker’s aged gouda just took the top prize at the U.S. Championship Cheese Contest, held in in Green Bay, natch. [Green Bay Press Gazette] [More]