In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, wireless networks are experiencing outages, leaving some customers without reliable cellphone service. The four major providers are now stepping up to offer help by way of waiving service fees or offering extra data. [More]
wireless service

Carrier Must Pay $51M For Allegedly Defrauding Lifeline Program
The Federal Communications Commission plans to fine Total Call Mobile $51.1 million after alleging the carrier fraudulently collected payments from a program that subsidizes wireless service for low-income consumers. [More]

Comcast Could Be The Next Company To Offer Cell Service
Everyone’s favorite (or not) cable, internet and telephone provider, Comcast, could soon be handling your cell service, too. [More]

Google’s “Project Fi” Wireless Smartphone Service Offers Data At $10/GB, Will Credit You For Unused Data
As expected, Google has finally announced the details of its wireless smartphone service that will, at least at first, piggyback on the networks of Sprint and T-Mobile. It’s called Project Fi and plans with unlimited talk/text, unlimited international texting, and WiFi tethering will start at $30/month, with each gigabyte of data you use costing an additional $10. And if you don’t use your full allotment, your account gets credited accordingly. [More]

Google Could Announce New Wireless Service Today; May Only Charge For Data You Use
In March, Google confirmed its plan to launch some sort of wireless service for consumers in the U.S., and a new report claims that the Internet biggie could pull back the curtain on this new product as early as today. [More]

Google Confirms Plans For Wireless Service
A new major player could be coming to the world of wireless service providers. Google confirmed plans to launch its own wireless service in the next several months, albeit in a limited capacity. [More]

FCC Stays Neutral On State Of U.S. Wireless Competition
Is there enough competition among the wireless service companies in the U.S.? The Federal Communications Commission’s annual report on the matter, released yesterday, didn’t definitively answer that question. And its neutral stance is causing many to wonder how the regulatory agency will rule on the pending merger of AT&T and T-Mobile. [More]

Help, Verizon Doubled My ETF Behind My Back!
The spark had left his mobile phone relationship, and Dean left his iPhone 3G for a Droid. He happily paid an ETF to escape his AT&T contract, only to find himself trapped in a strange void between Verizon’s previous early termination fee for smartphone contracts and the newly doubled fee. Now, he tells Consumerist that due to the ETF change, he is trapped in a contract that he claims he never signed. [More]

AT&T: Want To Tell Us We Suck? There's An App For That
AT&T has debuted an iPhone app that will let AT&T/iPhone users submit reports when they experience poor phone service. This will be a popular app. [More]